According to the Nesbit technique, cavernous corporoplasty involves the removal of one or more elliptical sections of cavernous albuginea, on the contralateral side towards the concavity of the curve that needs correction. The penile vascular-nervous fascia is completely isolated. The disadvantage of Nesbit technique is a minimal shortening of the penis, the severity of which will increase the greater the curvature to be corrected. The technique requires meticulous suturing of Buck’s fascia, suturing of the skin at the level of the coronal sulcus and compressive bandages for 2 or 3 days.
Sexual activity can be resumed after 40 days. The definitive esthetic result is excellent, with virtually invisible scars 2 months after the procedure and a perfectly straight penis.By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. more information
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